Friday, November 12, 2010

tutorial create a blog from blogspot

how to create a blog from blogspot is very easy and should have provided must  create email account from google mail or gmail  have an email from gmail for that has not been made here can see tutorial log in to gmail
and for those who want to log in to gmail can see the tutorial here
and free without the entrance fee charged

step - step to create a blog from blogspot ie
1. prepare a name for your blog I'll simplify the process of making this account
2. browsing on the internet
3.masukkan your gmail email address and then login paswordnya
4. give the name of your blog, and check the little box below and then continue
5. blog name and address of your blog, and enter the verification code correctly and proceed
6. select your template
7. dblog you've finished

if you want to post can click on the link post or start memblogging

tutorial log in to gmail

the following tutorial on how to enter gmail, on condition that we should have first gmail account for that has not been able to see the tutorial list create email account from google mail or gmail

step - step into gmail is as follows
1. address browsing
2. enter your email address and password correctly, because one letter only, the account will not enter
3. click log in.
4. wait until the picture below

tutorials- create email account from google mail or gmail

how to create email account from google mail or gmail is often called free and easy it makes it easy for users of gmail and very easy to access the following steps:
1. browsing on the Internet by the relevant address
2. click on create new accounts that exist right under your desktop
3. after emerging form filling, then fill with your personal data
enter the name colan email address and click the check availability, kalu already green then it approved the name and enter a password at least 8 characters
ferivikasi code alu click I accept create my accoun
4. enter your phone number and adjust the name of your country click send
5. after sms verification can then enter and verify
6. click show myaccount
7. completed and emails can be used.